Objectives of the Committee

  • To provide a platform to resolve grievances of students, staff and other stakeholders
  • To formulate the policy to investigate and review complaints or grievances of students and faculties
  • To create awareness of the availability of members for students and faculties to report grievances
  • To investigate the cause of grievances to ensure the effectual solution
  • To ensure corrective measures for the grievances
  • To find the cause of dissatisfaction to create a healthy environment

Members of the Committee

Grievance Redressal System is a mechanism used to receive and act on complaints or grievances reported by stakeholders, enabling prompt actions on any issue raised by them and to avail services more effectively. Grievance & Redressal Cell Committee is reconstituted with the following members for the period of two academic years 2022-23 and 2023-24.

Sl.No Name of the member Designation Position
1 Dr.Burra Karuna Kumar Principal Chairman
2 Dr.G.Reddy Babu Professor, Department of CE Convener
3 Dr.T.Subhashini Assistant Professor, Department of ECE Member
4 Dr.N.Siva Chintaiah Assistant Professor, Department of CSE Member
5 Mr.Mahammad Imran Student of Mechanical Engineering Member
6 Dr. P.Kodanda Rama Rao Vice Principal - Administration Member Secretary