The Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) is reconstituted with the following members for the period of three academic years 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25 as per section 4 of All India Council for Technical Education (Gender Sensitization, prevention and prohibition of Sexual Harassment of women employees and student and Redressal of Grievances in Technical Institutions) Regulations, 2016 vide No. F.AICTE/WH2016/01, dated 1oth June 2016.

ICC Committee

Sl.No Name of the Faculty Designation Representation
1 Dr. Ch. Kavitha Professor of IT Presiding Officer
2 Dr. Y.Adilakshmi HoD, Professor of AI&ML Member
3 Mr. D.K.Pavan Kumar Sr. Gr. Asst. Professor in Maths, BS&H Member
4 Ms. Shalanti Vineetha Blessy Assistant Professor of IoT Member
5 Mr. M.Suresh Lab Technician in ECE Member
6 Ms. D.Kondalamma Lab Technician in CE Member
7 Mrs. Ch. Subhashini Advocate Member
8 Mr. Ramani Naveen Roll: 20481A0275 IV B.Tech Student, EEE Member
9 Mr. Bhuma Raju Partha Sarathi, Roll: 21485A0323 IV B.Tech Student, ME Member
10 Ms. Ramachandran Priya Darshini, Roll: 20481A5444 IV B.Tech Student, AI&DS Member
11 Mr. Buri Manikanta, Roll: 21481E0006 II MBA Student Member